The Role of Menstrual Cups in Disaster and Emergency Situations
A regular menstruation cycle is very important for any woman; it indicates her being healthy in a lot of areas. But, also, we cannot deny the fact that during her period cycle, a lady goes through a lot of pain and other physical health issues. Even during disasters and emergency situations, there is nothing that can stop a girl’s menstrual cycle. The 5-day cycle becomes even more challenging during such times.
Menstrual cups can be of major help in such situations, so here, with the motive of making people more aware and alert, we will further discuss the topic in detail. One good thing about menstrual cup is it can be used again and again for at least 6 months. Sanitary pads demand to be disposed of at an interval of every 2- 4 hours. Menstrual cups can be left inserted for at least 12 hours until they are filled with the secreted blood.
Role of the menstrual cup in disaster and emergency situations-
Yes, menstrual cups can be of major use during such situations, mainly because they are reusable. These cups do not need a place for disposal. A person can simply empty the cup in a restroom kind of place can wash it, and then put it to use again.
But, perhaps this much is the only role of a menstrual cup in disaster and emergency situations. In such situations, the next main role is for the people working as relief providers. So, further, let us see how relief workers can help women going through their menstrual cycle during a disaster or emergency situation.
How can relief workers help women going through the menstrual cycle in such cases?
● Distribute menstrual hygiene essentials-
The relief workers should try to identify the number of girls and women who are in their menstrual age. They should then arrange the required essentials. Instead of arranging for sanitary napkins, they should try to arrange for menstrual cups. This will be cost-effective and also it will be easier to use in such situations.
● Cleanliness, Safety and Privacy –
Relief workers should not only focus on providing food and other materialistic things. There is a lot more that needs to be looked after other than this. Such as the ladies stuck in such situations should be provided with clean, safe and also private facilities so that they can easily manage their menstrual cycle demands.
● Educate them and spread awareness-
If, as a relief worker, you are distributing menstrual cups, then how to use menstrual cup for beginners can be a common question among women. You should make them aware of the same. You should let them know where they can get the cups. Also, you should tell them how they should dispose of and clean the cups for further use.
So, this is all about menstrual cup in what can be the effective role of this product in emergency and disaster situations. It is also very important to make the ladies comfortable with the use of this as there are chances that most of them are coming across this product for the first time.