The Sustainable Alternative: How Menstrual Cups are Changing the Conversation About Periods
From electric vehicles to reusable shopping bags, the need for sustainability is skyrocketing at a commendable pace. Eco-awar...
Periods Don’t have to be Scary: Helping Teenagers Overcome the Fear of Using a Menstrual Cup
For most teenagers, periods are no cakewalk. Mood swings, cramps, acne, and bloating come with an overwhelming wave of anxiet...
Ditch the Disposable: How a Menstrual Cup Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
As humans inch every day towards progress, their daily choices prove to be atrocious for the environment. One day or the othe...
The Role of Menstrual Hygiene in Women’s Empowerment
The debate on the significance of menstrual hygiene has long been shrouded in secrecy and stigma, but in recent years, there ...
The Science Behind Menstrual Cups: What You Need to Know
Menstruation is a natural process experienced by women across the world, but until recently, options for menstrual products w...
The Best Menstrual Cup for Heavy Flow! What You Need to Know
Menstrual cups or female sanitary cups have been there for quite a while, but now their usage has skyrocketed owing to...
How to Overcome Common Challenges with an Organic Menstrual Cup
Menstrual cups are feminine hygiene products designed to collect menstrual flow. The use of menstrual cups has been increasin...
What’s The Difference Between Periods and Spotting?
Most women start bleeding in their reproductive years and menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon. When you are not...
Why Period Cramps Happen and 5 Things to Do to Relieve Them
All across the globe, more than half of women who menstruate experience dysmenorrhea or period pain for about two days every ...
5 Reasons Your Period Could Be Late Besides Being Pregnant
Some women have their periods arriving every month like clockwork, and then there are women for whom periods are as unpredict...