Periods in the Arts: How Do Creative Professionals Cope?

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You see a female artist on the stage performing like a diva. Whether it’s a jazz band, a rock show, or something more subtle like an art or photography exhibition, most people often fail to realize artists also menstruate. Menstruation is a roller coaster ride involving cramps, mood swings, and whatnot. While some people consider periods as a physiological phenomenon, it’s so much more than that. The hormones keep menstruators in a state of topsy-turvy throughout their periods, which makes artists grapple with creative challenges. Undoubtedly, an organic menstrual cup can help to handle the leakage, but when we are talking about coping mechanisms, you might need a little more information. 


Hormonal Fluctuations and Creativity

The menstrual cycle involves complex hormonal fluctuations. During the follicular phase (the days following menstruation), estrogen levels rise. This increase in estrogen can boost creativity, enhancing mood and cognitive function. Artists, especially, find that this phase may be conducive to brainstorming and generating new ideas.

However, during the luteal phase (the days leading up to menstruation), estrogen levels drop, while progesterone rises, which leads to mood swings, anxiety, and fatigue. Some creative professionals find it challenging to focus or stay motivated during this phase.


Coping Strategies

  • Time Management: One effective strategy for creative professionals is to plan their work around their menstrual cycle. For instance, artists may use the follicular phase for brainstorming and idea generation, while reserving the luteal phase for editing and fine-tuning. Musicians may schedule their intense practice sessions during their more energetic phase.
  • Self-Care: Maintaining physical and emotional well-being is essential for artists, writers, and musicians. Some professionals find that engaging in self-care practices such as exercise, meditation, and maintaining a healthy diet can alleviate the discomfort associated with their periods and reduce stress.
  • Adaptability: Adapting to fluctuations in energy and mood is another key strategy. Writers may acknowledge that some days may not be as productive as others, but that’s perfectly normal. Instead, they can make their creativity more agile and become more adaptable with ample rest to prevent burnout and frustration.


Artistic Expression

Interestingly, for many artists, their menstrual cycle can become a source of inspiration. It can lead to the creation of powerful and emotionally charged works. For example, Frida Kahlo, a renowned painter, often incorporated her own menstrual pain and struggles into her artwork, expressing her experiences through her self-portraits. Musicians, too, have found that the heightened emotional state during menstruation can translate into deeply emotive performances. Some even draw on their experiences to create music that resonates with a wide audience. On the other hand, writers often use their emotional experiences during menstruation to infuse authenticity and depth into their characters’ emotions and actions, as it allows them to create relatable and genuine narratives.



Menstruation is a natural part of life, and it affects different individuals in different ways. For many creative professionals, menstruation becomes an integral part of their artistic journey and a way to connect with their body on a deeply emotional level. However, for some who are active performers, menstruation can mean a whole lot of different emotions. To manage their periods effectively while traveling or performing, creative professionals can search for menstrual cups where to buy and make their periods more comfortable with a menstrual cup instead of coping with the slipping, sliding pads and conventional period management methods. 

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